1:1 Creative Therapies

We all experience pain & suffering - whether it be physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual pain. Sometimes our pain becomes unbearable or impacts our day to day life in ways that aren’t beneficial to us. Humans yearn to be free from pain but sometimes it can be difficult to know the best way to set it free. There are many beneficial modalities available however I am passionate about providing support specifically focusing on Creative Expression.

Creative Therapies involve various modalities of therapy that encourage creativity as a way to:
- explore, express & understand our emotions, fears, dreams or challenges
- learn about ourselves & how we respond to life’s experiences
- transform our pain and suffering into treasures that benefit us ie. insight, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, humility, purpose

I specialise in Sandplay Therapy & Art Therapy.
Play is often incorporated into sessions which can include lego, puppets, storytelling, dancing, drumming, & exploring in nature.
These are used as tools to help us during your sessions to express yourself, learn, build rapport and to regulate your emotions.
Some fun facts are in the photo slide below.

These creative therapies are beneficial for all ages - children, teenagers & adults - for any issue.
Sessions are individually tailored to reflect a person’s age, neurodiversity’s, previous trauma etc.


Please contact for cost.
Sessions go for 1 hour.

* Medicare Rebates are not available
* NDIS Plans can be used if the plan is plan-managed or self-managed




If you would like to work together, please fill out the form below and I will send you a referral form.

I will then contact you to make a time to chat (in person or over zoom) to see whether we both feel that we are a good fit for eachother, or for your child.

These aren’t for me… but I need to do something…

If you do not feel drawn to any of the modalities of therapy I offer, below are a list of some others. I trust there is a modality for everyone, it can just take some curious investigation to find what suits you best.

  • Hypnotherapy

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing)

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Massage Therapy

  • Reflexology

  • Bowen Therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Naturopathy

  • Reiki / Energy Healing

  • Dance

  • Tai Chi

  • Breathwork