April Simone

to open ; to listen


My role in this space is to serve as an Intentional Creative Expression Guide

I believe that our pain & suffering can be transformed into treasures that serve us.
This can be done by intentionally acknowledging, exploring and expressing all of our emotions through various forms of creativity.

It is really important to me, to have a patient, curious & compassionate attitude towards ourselves during this process & to consider and nurture all parts of the self - mind, body & soul. I aim to hold space in a way that you feel safe, supported & courageous; so you have more capacity to surrender to the process & to grow through and from your challenges.
You hold all of your own answers and I look forward to holding space, or offering gentle guidance, for you to discover these.

I am trained in Sandplay Therapy (inclusive of general counselling), Art Therapy, Dancing Freedom Facilitation and Trauma Informed Practices. I would like to pay equal tribute to my self-driven study, my intuitive wisdom, learnings from being in private practice since 2016 and my own experiences of suffering - as it all symbiotically contributes to our time together.


If you would like to work together, I’d love to connect!

Email: april@theuntoldspace.com

Mobile: 0490 837 321

Address: Given upon request,
Anaiwan Country / Armidale NSW 2350

~ This is not a crisis service.
If you have an emergency please call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14 ~